Holiday Honey
Alright I was not good about posting over the holiday break, but New Year, New Me as far as the blogging goes. I have so much coming up this next semester with Operas, and trips, and classes, and study, and cooking, and quality time with my favorite people and much much more! I just got back to school for my second semester and I'm already missing winter break. I'm sure everyone is feeling the same way though, at least until we all get back into the swing of things.
One of the best things about being home, along with all of the family time and relaxation, was that we harvested some more honey while I was there. We have our own bee hives incase I didn't mention that already. It's so interesting and fun to see those busy bees doing their thing, and I have to say that I look forward to stealing their honey every time we get to harvest!
Here is one of the frames from our hives. Look at all of that wax and honey!!! It's the little things in life that make me happy, and a giant metal centrifuge full of honey is definitely one of them.
Beautiful golden raw honey :) Just straining the wax out of it before we strain it again into individual jars.
My boyfriend calls me Pooh Bear, and I can't say that's not accurate. I could add honey to anything, and I really do.... I drink more herbal tea than anything and use a little spoonful of honey in every cup, I put it in coconut milk yogurt, on oatmeal, in baking and anything else I can think of.
But, it's so good for you and it tastes amazing, so I'm fine with my honey obsession. Raw local honey can be so beneficial. It can help with seasonal allergies because the bees pollinate the local plants, and it's a natural antibacterial. So go on out and buy some local honey and enjoy it with a nice cup of tea. I'm so looking forward to spring and summer time when the bees start their busy work again and I can go in and steal some more of that yummy stuff!